Only Use Quality Paint Supplies

Only use appropriate, clean and dry paint tools of good quality to achieve the best results.

For optimum result, use clean, longhaired, soft bristle brushes of good quality.  Using a good quality brush will not only assist in an excellent flow, but will also hold more product and provide more wet film. This is important for the film building, gloss retention and protecting properties.

Clear varnishes generally should always be applied by a clean, good quality, longhaired bristle brush.

Applying paint by roller is fast and easy, but be ware! Application by foam roller leads to much thinner coats than application by brush (up to 50% less). Therefore, always apply one or more additional coats when applying paint by roller.

Roller application may produce a so called "orange peel” effect. This is mainly caused by roller structure, but can be eliminated by following immediately after with light brush strokes over the rolled surface; this is known as "rolling & tipping" and is most easily done with two people working in tandem. For more info on rolling and tipping, check out Epifanes video tips here.

Epifanes recommends high density foam roller covers such as Moltopren for use with most one-part and two-part paints that are resistant to falling apart by the solvents in these products.

Foam Poly Brushes:
To avoid brush marks or an “orange peel” effect, the wet film may also be lightly brushed out using a foam Poly-Brush. Do not press hard, use gentle strokes. Note that the Poly-brush does not replace regular brush or roller. If needed, round the foam brush edges using scissors.

Masking Tape:
To ensure a sharp paint edge, only use high quality masking tape. Tightly fix masking tape to the surface. After paint or varnish has been applied, carefully remove masking tape within 2 hours.